Fan made board: Vastitas Borealis

Fan made board: Vastitas Borealis


  • Agronomist - have 4 plant tags
  • Spacefarer - have 5 space tags
  • Geologist - have 4 tiles on and/or at vulcanic areas
  • Engineer - achieve 10 energy/heat production
  • Farmer - have 6 animals/microbes-resources 
  • Hoverlord - have 7 floater resources


  • Traveller - most planet tags (Jovian/Earth)
  • Landscaper - most adjacent tiles
  • Highlander - most tiles NOT adjacent to ocean tiles
  • Promoter - most event cards
  • Blacksmith - most steel/titanium production
  • Venuphile - most venus tags

Special Rules

Place a tile on these areas and get a delegate for free. Put these delegate to the delegate area of your desired party.

Place a tile on this area and raise temperature for 4 MC.

Production notes

Print size of the board is:
PDF-Files: 82 x 50 cm
JPGs: 83 x 51 cm (the jpgs have a slightly larger margin. This makes production easier for double-side prints) 

Link to download:

Thanks a lot to all of you for the great support. 

I hope you have much joy with the new boards 😃